Incorporating Hargreaves Perkins Insurance Brokers
British Insurance Brokers' Association | Member

Property Managing Agents’ Clients

Rowlands & Hames collaborates with property management insurance agents to manage insurance needs for landlords. Policies can be arranged on a block basis or individually, covering commercial, residential, or mixed portfolios. We handle claims, risk management, and offer economies of scale benefits.

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Property Managing Agents’ Clients

Rowlands & Hames is pleased work alongside a number of property management insurance agents, managing the property management insurance (and associated additional insurance) requirements for their landlord clients.

Policies may be arranged on a ‘block’ basis with one major policy in the PMA’s name noting the individual property owners name, which may provide advantages for some PMAs and their clients.

Arrangements may accommodate Commercial properties, a mix of commercial and residential, or a purely residential portfolio.

In other circumstances, individual policies may be arranged, via the PMA, where the landlord/tenants have more specific requirements or the occupations may be more hazardous etc. Even if a separate policy is arranged, it can be linked to the PMA’s other programmes to benefit from economies from scale and ongoing relationship.

Rowlands & Hames can have as much contact with the property clients as needed, deal with claims, provide individual schedules and invoices etc, not to mention manage risk management.

Coverage for PMA clients’ properties would tend to include:

  • Buildings insurance – All Risks/subsidence and Theft damage to buildings – including a sensible inflation provision – based upon three yearly RICS reinstatement valuations
  • Landlords Contents – if applicable
  • Loss of Rental Income – following an insured damage claim catering for potential loss of future income up to 36 months hence
  • Terrorism
  • Property Owners Liability – generally £5m (but more often than not £10m Limit of Indemnity)

Arrangement can include ‘nominated’ Loss Adjusters and Loss Assessors for quick attendance following claims, especially out of hours.

Tenant changes can be accommodated with ease – premiums being allocated between tenants and split between multiple tenants in multi-tenure properties.

Joint visits to sites are preferred, especially for those properties of non-standard construction or where the occupation is hazardous.  Underwriters and Loss Adjusters would always be accompanied by Rowlands & Hames.

Economies of scale discounts can often be applied to such portfolios, the benefit of which can be passed on to the individual landlords (especially if residential lets the cost for which can’t be passed on) and for commercial landlords preferential rates to their commercial tenants by way of their ‘insurance rent’.

Policy limits and exclusions may apply, please see policy wording for full terms and conditions.

Contact the Team

Mike Watkinson Dip CII | Account Manager
Mike Watkinson Dip CII


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